Gov. Snyder renews call for more immigrants in Michigan

Gov. Rick Snyder called for more immigrants to settle in Michigan, after reviewing recent U.S. Census data showing that Michigan is the only state that had an overall loss of population from 2000 to 2010.

Speaking recently at an annual “Michigan Muslim Capitol Day” event, Gov. Snyder said, “We need to celebrate diversity; it’s one of our strengths. One of the things I’m proud to say I’m already encouraging, that was in my state of the state message, is the idea of more immigration, particularly for advanced degree people.”

Click here to read more about Gov. Snyder’s speech.

Michigan governor expresses support for immigration to Michigan

In his first State of the State address, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder supported the idea of encouraging entrepreneurial immigrants to come to Michigan as a way to help revitalize the state economy.   Governor Snyder’s remarks are a refreshing alternative to much of the national discourse about immigration.

In his speech, the Governor stated, “We need to be a place that openly encourages innovators and entrepreneurs that come to our state. The evidence is clear that advanced college degree immigrants can make a tremendous difference in creating a positive economic activity environment,” Snyder said. “Immigration made us a great state and country. It is a time to embrace this concept again as a way to speed our reinvention.”

You can read more about the Governor’s speech here.