Supreme Court Will Hear DAPA Arguments on April 18

Today the Supreme Court announced that it will hear oral arguments in United States v. Texas on Monday, April 18, 2016.  The vacant seat left by the death of Justice Scalia will not be filled by that date.  As a result, the remaining 8 justices will consider the case.

The DAPA case is the only case scheduled for oral argument on April 18.  The Court might decide to extend the length of arguments for each side, beyond the typical 30 minutes.

It is expected that the Court will issue a decision in the case by the end of June 2016.

Notably, the Court postponed several other cases until the Court’s next term that begins October 2016.  So, it appears that the Court cosiders DAPA important enough to consider during this term, even with the vacancy on the Court.

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