Category Archives: Immigration Court & Removal Proceedings
Detroit Free Press: Michigan should not follow in Arizona’s footsteps
In a recent editorial, the Detroit Free Press criticized anti-immigrant legislation (HB 4305) proposed by state Rep. Dave Agema.
Take a look at the editorial here.
New report on immigration enforcement
From a press release:
UC Berkeley School of Law’s Warren Institute released a new report that analyzes the complex legal and policy issues surrounding U.S. immigration enforcement. The report, “Borders, Jails, and Jobsites: An Overview of Federal Immigration Enforcement Programs in the U.S.,” explains the intent of federal programs that target noncitizens—and the unintended consequences.
Despite current economic constraints, the federal government continues to escalate funding for enforcement programs. In this year’s budget request, the White House seeks approximately $5.5 billion for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, $55 million more than was allocated last year. But do these programs work—or is the U.S. throwing money away on failed policies?
Click here for the full 40-page report.
Study: Immigration prosecutions increase sharply
The federal government has significantly increased immigration prosecutions during the past few years, according to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), a private nonpartisan group at Syracuse University.
According to TRAC, felony immigration prosecutions in federal courts along the U.S.-Mexico border increased 259 percent from 2007 to 2010.
To read more about the TRAC reports, click here.